My friend and I just completed what shall henceforth be known as 'the best game ever'. This is not a joke... we have actually succeeded in make the world's most awesome game. It is in fact so full of awesomeness that penguins and duckbilled platipi (the two most awesome creatures in the world) have become jealous of it. It's true... it was on the news even. There was a reporter who interviewed these two kinda-birds and they told the reporter of their jealousy. They had lots of it.
Anyways, you should play this awesome game! And you should also give it a rating of 5. And you should also write a review stating how incredibly awesome the game is. And then you should go to the bathroom... because by the time you finish playing your bladder will certainly be full. Then you should come back and keep playing. And then you should go get a friend to play with you (because of the multiplayer mode).
So... go do it!
Oh, and here's the link: